In movies, Panerai is worn by renowned action stars both on and off the movies. In Eraser, Arnold Schwarzenegger saves the day while wearing a Panerai Luminor Marina. In fact, the watch even gets its own frame in the movie. Another Hollywood action heavyweight, Sylvester Stallone, showcases the durability of Panerai in the movie, Daylight. Off the camera, Stallone was spotted back in 2009 while wearing the limited edition, 60mm Panerai Egiziano which is Panerai’s largest model. In Exit Wounds starring Steven Seagal and DMX, the latter displays his own Panerai 40mm Automatic Marina at the beginning of the film. Another Panerai enthusiast is British action heartthrob Jason Statham who dons a Panerai to complement his “Transporter” look. And while he was not seen wearing one in the movie, The Italian Job, he was seen proudly wearing his Panerai in the behind-the-scenes shots for the movie. Joining the A-list Panerai team is Hugh Grant who made sure to wear his luxury watch for his movies, Two Weeks Notice and Bridget Jones’ Diary. Meanwhile, WWE Superstar turned Hollywood action star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson sports his own style of Panerai in the movie The Rundown as well as in his GQ magazine cover. Finally Josh Hartnett also joins the elite crew with his very own Marina Base in an old Velcro strap which he wears in the movie Hollywood Homicide.
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